The Natural Skin NatSkin improves your Foswiki experience by bringing together some of the most useful features from different plugins in a consistent way. NatSki...
NatSkinConfiguration Theme configuration The different NatSkin styles are controlled using preference variables and can be set * per user (on the user's hom...
NatSkinFAQ The documentation of NatSkin is crap. I'm lost! If you need help, there are a couple of options: * Create a support request on Foswiki:Support/WebH...
The Natural Skin Plugin Description This is the supplemental plugin for the NatSkin. Its main purpose is to supply "skin states" to control different styles and ...
Style Browser Explore the style variations of the .NatSkin by changing the base style and a variation of it. In general, style variations are used to change not o...
NatSkinTopicCreator Description The NatSkin TopicCreator is a unified way to create topics in your wiki. It especially is tailored towards the WikiWorkbench fram...
This topic gives you a short overview of the elements styled by NatSkin as well as the CSS classes being used to do so. Links * http://demo.gantry framework.o...
An ObjectMethod is a method that must be called relative to a previous constructed object of the class type. For example: package Telecoms ClassMethod new() Ob...
Documentation Graphics and Filetype icons This is the Foswiki icon library. The graphics can be used in topics and by web applications. Usage Default notation: ...
Page Caching How to get the best from HTML Caching. By default, Foswiki pages are delivered to the browser using HTML, which is regenerated from the data stored i...
Parent list Generated list of (potential) parent topics. select To use this list in Foswiki applications, use: %INCLUDE{ ".ParentList" section="select" }...
Pattern skin Select a theme to change the look, or tune the entire appearance with CSS or templates. Browse available themes You may quickly change the appearanc...
CSS elements in PatternSkin This page is a reference for all CSS classes used in PatternSkin. PatternSkin uses 4 stylesheets: * layout.css: positioning of bloc...
.PatternSkin CSS Cookbook Questions and answers on how to customize the default look of Foswiki for your own needs, using style sheets. For configuring page eleme...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Center the page This recipe shows how center the page horizontally and vertically. This line loads the extra style definition: *...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Center the page with a border This recipe shows how to put a border around the page, while centering the page horizontally. The exa...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: EditTable style Cookbook example to illustrate control over EditTable edit styles. 1 EditTable uses a monospace font in edit mod...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Font variation Cookbook example with other fonts and font colors. This line loads the extra style definition: * Set USERSTYLEURL...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Hide action buttons This recipe shows how to hide the action buttons for unauthorised and/or guest users: (Edit, Attach …) Note t...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Hide the left bar This line loads the extra style definition: * Set USERSTYLEURL = //PatternSkinCssCookbookNoLeftBar/hideleftbar...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Hide the top bar This recipe shows how to hide the top bar. This line loads the extra style definition: * Set USERSTYLEURL=/noto...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Sidebar background color To see if the background color really extends beyond the body, we make the body contents longer than the s...
System.PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Left Sidebar Toggle The Sidebar is hidden for screens with width This line loads the extra style definition: * Set USERS...
.PatternSkin Customization Guidelines how to create and customize page templates. For styling your Foswiki using stylesheets, see PatternSkinCssCookbook. First R...
Pattern Skin Elements Some intro text. Text. Heading 1 text Heading 2 text Heading 3 text Heading 4 text Heading 5 text Heading 6 text A very very very ver...
PatternSkin horizontal navigation example Include main navigation with: This is done automatically in the templates by setting in the .SitePreferences: * #Set ...
PatternSkin theme: Foswiki release 1.1.5 Use this theme if you have created a theme or sub skin that relies on the styling of PatternSkin around release 1.1.5 or ...
PatternSkin theme: 2009 Test this theme Choose column ' selected='selected' "}% Column left (default) Column right No column Small left column Choose v...
PatternSkin theme: Foswiki "Fat Willy" Site Skin Test this theme Choose column ' selected='selected' "}% Column right No column Hide theme Store theme...
PatternSkin theme: Foswiki "Fat Willy" Site Skin Navigation Include main navigation with: This is done automatically in the templates by setting in the .SitePre...
Pending Registrations Template Tailoring instructions: The contents of the Pending Registrations report can be modified to report any fields collected on a custo...