internal package Foswiki::Plugins::BreadCrumbsPlugin::Core

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internal package Foswiki::Plugins::BreadCrumbsPlugin::Core

core class for this plugin

an singleton instance is allocated on demand

ClassMethod new() → $core

constructor for a Core object

ObjectMethod finish()

called when this object is destroyed

ObjectMethod recordTrail($web, $topic)

adds the web.topic to the trail record

ObjectMethod renderBreadCrumbs($params, $topic, $web) → $string

implements the %BREADCRUMBS macro

ObjectMethod getPathBreadCrumbs() → $list

returns the path breadcrumbs of the recorded trail

ObjectMethod getLocationBreadCrumbs($web, $topic, $relation, $recurse) → $list

returns the location path starting at the given web.topic

ObjectMethod i18n()

returns the session's i18n service

ObjectMethod translate($string, $web, $topic) → $string

translates string as translated from the given web.topic

ObjectMethod spaceOutWikiWord($wikiWord, $separator) → $string

compatibility layer for Foswiki::Func::spaceOutWikiWord

Topic revision: r1 - 27 Feb 2018, UnknownUser
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