internal package Foswiki::Contrib::MailerContrib::Change

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internal package Foswiki::Contrib::MailerContrib::Change

Object that represents a change to a topic.

new($web, $topic, $author, $time, $rev)

  • $web - Web name
  • $topic - Topic name
  • $author - String author of change
  • $time - String time of change
  • $rev - Revision identifier
Construct a new change object.


  • $change - Change record to merge
Merge another change record with this one, so that the combined record is a reflection of both changes.

expandHTML($template) → string

  • $template - Template to expand keys within

Expand an HTML template using the values in this change. The following keys are expanded: %WEB%, %TOPIC%, %AUTHOR%, %TIME%, %REVISION%, %BASE_REV%, %CUR_REV%, %TEXTHEAD%.

Returns the expanded template.

expandPlain() → string

Generate a plaintext version of this change.

expandDiff($template) → string

Generate a unified diff version of this change.

expandVariables($template, $textHeadAttr) → string

Expand an template using the values in this change. The following keys are expanded:

  • %AUTHOR%
  • %BASE_REV%
  • %CUR_REV%
  • %TIME%
  • %TOPIC%
  • %WEB%

Topic revision: r1 - 27 Feb 2018, UnknownUser
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